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Grocery shopping will never be the same again once the Qwerri app is available in all Loblaws-controlled stores. The app will set us apart from the competition, improve customer retention, vastly improve sales performance, and provide customer service never seen before.

The app is Siri for the supermarket - customers will ask the app where an item is located and they will receive an instantaneous answer to their question, telling them where the item can be found -  and eventually even guiding them to the correct location

Truly, shopping made easy.


The consumer application that will deliver orders to customers' homes on demand and on-time.


An app that locates any item in the store for the shopper by typing the requested item into a search box, receiving a quick answer along with recipes, other item suggestions, as well as product information..
 If they can't find it, they can't buy it.

Our no. 1 priority is help the customer find what they are looking for.


An app that will identify the shopper, and will link the shopper to a method of payment, therefore  having all items purchased to the chosen card , i.e. Avantagia, therefore bypassing long waits at the  checkout counter.




A smart cart that will weigh items, scan items, and make life easier and more convenient for shoppers.




A sort of GPS for the shopper -  giving directions to shoppers to easily locate items.




It has been estimated that 50% of  the items in an order are repeat items. If we ask customers to subscribe to a grocery list, they will pick up the same items each week.

In this way, we could order far in advance half of our inventory, never being short, and predicting costs.

At the same time, if we offer a small discount to these shoppers, we build loyalty, an increase in new sales, and greater predictability.




An app that will scan items, leaving the colleague at exit to verify the order and determine all is correct.




 UDPIN is Universal Digital Product Identification Number.

When the UDPIN code is scanned, all product information will be readily available to the shopper. The distance it has travelled, the farm it was produced, the carbon footprint for the item, the ingredients, recipes to make with the item, etc. Younger shoppers are seeking this information, and many base their  buying decisions on having this information.











Created on November 18, 2016


Property of  Andre B. Beauregard.  All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use of this material is strictly prohibited
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