
Avantagia could be the company's new membership card. Similar to the Costco card or Amazon Prime, members will receive discounts, deals, special offers, and other benefits.
Membership will be a small annual fee. This will allow the company to build and renovate its new infrastructure, i.e. Provixia and Gyromino establishments. Members will receive free shipping, reduced delivery fees, discounts on pharmaceuticals, and other worthwhile benefits. We might also team up with other companies and together offer further significant discounts, such as on airlines, hotels, and gas companies.


At the centre of every Provixia store will be a massive stage. On that stage will be a working kitchen. This is where renowned chefs will prepare enticing meals and explain to the audience the ingredients, the utensils, and techniques required to complete each dish.
However, it is not enough to limit our audience to the people in the store. We will live-stream each meal, using the latest streaming technology such as Mevo by LiveStream.




Every Provixia will have at least sixty end displays, albeit not the standard aisles  found in most supermarkets. Therefore there will be 20 displays for specials, 20 displays for new products, and twenty displays for product demonstrations. Companies will provide the staff and product and the customer will take advantage of food tastings.

The experience can be shown live online through live streaming the demonstrations on demostreaming.com.




Customers will enter a draw to win a prize of 100,000 PC Points.




Packfromtheback  will change the way work is performed  in retail. Because store design will change so radically, work will become more efficient, productive, and realize important savings in labour man-hours.

Fill - Face - Rotate




PlasticFreeAisle    is a growing movement among younger consumers regarding the crisis facing our oceans and the plastics polluting the oceans.




Gardeninthesky Based on the Lufa Farms concept, each Provixia store will feature a rooftop greenhouse providing the ultimate in fresh products. Order online and pick up first thing the next morning.




LuFa Farms  A Montreal-based company that installs greenhouses on the roofs of buildings. Loblaws should seriously look into acquiring this company before it begins its expansion plans in the near future.


Lufa Farms website

Lufa Farms on Wikipedia




Foodswoop    Based on the "foodloop" concept, a phone app will scan products and receive a discount as the expiration date approaches.
In a few years, customers will be saying: "Did you swoop it? and
"Did you swoop and save!"





An ingenious invention that could have a dramatic impact on our business.
From the company's website: 

"FoodLoop’s Retailer Platform ties grocer inventory system to consumer-facing mobile apps to provide real-time deals and personalized offers based on consumers’ interests, purchase history, and location."

We reduce inventory, we have fewer losses, more satisfied customers. A win-win-win situation.





Every month, selected stores across the country will take part in the "Gigantiko" event. Some possible food items  will include the world's largest:

Brownies Pizza
Chocolate Chip Cookies Hamburger
Donut Muffin
Bagel Cupcake
Hot Dog Poutine
Chocolate Cake Pumpkin Pie
Spaghetti Chili

They will be certified by Guinness Book of Records officials. The publicity will attract many shoppers, and they will share in eating the products made.




The new catchphrase for plant-based, vegan, and vegetarian products. Healthy food in every meal.




An aisle with only salt-free items. More consumers are trying to minimize their salt intake. If all items are grouped in one area, it will make their time spent in the store more rewarding. Less searching=less frustration=increase in sales.




An aisle devoted to sugar-free products -  an important and growing category with the increasing awareness about the effects of sugar in our food.




Customers without computers or Internet access will be offered to make orders to to their local store by telephoning the store, making their order, and then have it delivered to their home - all for a small fee. Will be especially helpful to elderly customers and those who do not want to drive during the winter months.




Imagine the excitement when a shopper upon paying for her order is awarded 100,000 PC Points! This is the mission of this initiative - to reward loyal customers to receive surprise points to be determined by a careful screening process.




Customers will sign up for the daily sale alert e-mail or text message, where they will receive news about the latest specials, deals, and discounts in their store. These specials will be of limited-duration, usually no more than four hours. There will be three specails alerts each day: 8am-12-pm, 12pm-4:00pm, and 4:00pm-8:oopm. This will encourage in-store sales, foot traffic, and a sense of anticipation and excitement.




Day 1 of the most exciting shopping week of the year.




Day 2 of the most exciting shopping week of the year.



Day 3 of the most exciting shopping week of the year.



Day 4 of the most exciting shopping week of the year.



Day 5 of the most exciting shopping week of the year.



Day 6 of the most exciting shopping week of the year.



French-language version of SurpriseSale.net  and SurpriseSale.ca


Customers will learn about efforts to recycle and reuse materials. Shop green to help the environment. The problems with packaging, and how they can help the environment.


Created on November 18, 2016


Property of  Andre B. Beauregard.  All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use of this material is strictly prohibited
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