Retail Operations


Version #1 Version #2 Version #3
Version #1 - small Version #2 - small Version #3 - small



In the beginning... 



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  In the beginning, there was the solar system... ............ with the Earth being one of its planets. The only planet so far known to be able sustain life... ............ One of the important early inventions was the making of the wheel, which led to horse-drawn carriages, which led to...  



  4.   5.   6.  
  the invention of the aluminum wheel, helping in the the creation of the automobile and the adoption of the automobile industry.   Meanwhile, when man was hungry, he discovered the egg - which became a staple of breakfast for generations.   As progress continued, the most powerful person on the planet needed an office, thus the Oval Office...  



  7.   8.   9.  
  Likewise, the most powerful man on television sat in his chair on the bridge on Starship Enterprise...   and when he became hungry, was quite likely to munch on a couple of Oreo cookies while making his decisions.   In the 21st century, new inventions continued, i.e. a new airplane design...  






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  and also the building of a new headquarters for the iconic company known as Apple   in the California suburbs of San Francisco, set to open in 2017.   Every Canadian's home away from home - the hockey arena:  
Meanwhile, in the suburbs of Montreal, the first great innovative design change is set to open in late 2020 - the world's first round or circular supermarket. The world of shopping will never be the same again...
Since the first supermarket opened a hundred years ago, not much has changed. For whatever reason, each store has essentially remained the same. Aisle after aisle of more and more merchandise jammed into every possible available spot. Aisles cluttered with bins, displays, and boxes, hampering the shopping experience, making it ever more difficult for the shopper to find the item they are seeking.
It is time for a radical change.

The next generation supermarket is here:

The project of the supermarket of the future made its first appearance at World Expo 2015 in Milan. It was a prototype of how the next-generation supermarket should look like. The technology that has been designed to create this state-of-the-art flagship store is developed by Carlo Ratti Associati for Coop Italia, Italian big supermarket chain.
A unique shopping experience that is based on the Internet of Things, Cloud and Microsoft body detection sensors. Smart shelves, interactive food tables and real time data visualization are some of the main features of this shop of the digital era.
At this next-gem supermarket of the future, shoppers can choose among 6,000 products that are displayed on large interactive tables. They can also have additional information about the food. In fact, the supermarket is equipped with body detection sensors that is able to interpret customers’ gestures and all the details about the food appear on a suspended digital mirror. It is a sort of augmented label which communicates the nutritional properties, the origins, the waste disposal instructions and other information related to the products.

Inside the Supermarket of the Future the storytelling element is reinforced by a 20-meter long live data visualization wall, composed of 54 monitors, where customers can view information about store merchandise, including special offerings, cooking suggestions, social media posts and daily top selling products.

It is also interesting to know that what inspired Carlo Ratti in the developing of this innovative shop was the Italian novel Palomar by Italo Calvino.  In particular the scene where the protagonist Mr. Palomar enters a fromagerie in Paris and it seems like he is in a museum. A great literary experience that shows the identity hidden behind each product and thanks to technology can come out.



A circular store is a metaphor for the new "circular economy"  gaining momentum among younger consumers.

A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life.  Wikipedia

Attention to waste, packaging, plastics, and other green inititiaves will be the hallmark of this new store concept.



larger image here





The  Oculus  World Trade Center
New York City 
Opening Summer 2016


The Pantheon
Rome, Italy


It is a brave new world.  Shopping is now an experience.
Provixia will turn the supermarket upside down. The grocery aisles will be located on the perimeter, while at the center, "in-the-circle" will be the traditional market, the fresh market departments, fruit and vegetables, fish, meat, deli, and bakery. This will re-create the old-fashioned market experience, whereby shoppers interact with staff, suppliers,  and fellow shoppers.
Provixia will be not only the flagship store, it will also be the showcase store. The "spotlight" store. Its primary objective is to showcase local products created and manufactured by local companies. The products will be tasted, tested, and texted. When consumers like a new product, they will share it with others on social media and with their friends. Instant publicity and promotion will help the companies. We will seek feedback from the consumer, and depending on sales, the item will be given more space and wider promotion. Every week, dozens of new products will be introduced.
The next-generation supermarket will utilize innovative design principles, the latest and most promising information technologies, and cutting edge marketing ideas that will enhance and encourage the shopping experience.
The store will serve as a new product testing lab. Companies - young and old, with new products, will present their latest arrivals to the public. Depending on sales and potential, these products will be eliminated or introduced into the regular mix and eventually expanded into the wider company stores.
Chefs will work at the centre of the store, showing recipes, new items, and new ideas.
Some of these new ideas include:
- Circular building.
- LEED v4 certified.
- Building will feature solar panels on sides and roof of building, using less electricity, promoting solar technology.
- The building will be based on the Pantheon in Rome. There will be the attention-catching central opening in the ceiling - the oculus, which will stream light from the sky down towards the centre of the space - the chef demonstration zone - thereby putting a spotlight on the day's spotlight or showcase product and recipe.
- SFEF - "Shopper Friendly - Employee Friendly"  design.
- No traditional aisles. Each section will be no more than forty feet in length. One category per section. This creates less searching for the customer and easier selection.
- Lower shelves. Six feet high. Screens will be over top shelf providing information about products after activation with motion-sensor detection technology.
- Stock placed from back of shelves - reducing losses and improving product rotation. Shelves will have a downward angle, employees will work from back of shelves  packfromtheback.com , pushing merchandise forward, shelves will be "faced" at all times, creating a clean, professional appearance.
- Product demonstrations will use demostreaming.com  . Using livestream.com technology and a Mevo camera -  mevo.com - companies will be able to introduce their new products not only to people
in the store, but to avid shoppers across the country and around the world.
- Expert chefs will do the same. On chefstreaming.com , chefs will make prepared meals, using quality products found in the store. Consumers at home will follow along, and the next day, they will make the same meal, while at the same time using products found in-store.
- The store will have 3 levels - level 1: indoor garage. Level 2: Food concourse. Level 3: Women's zone,    featuring a cafe, Joe Fresh., general merchandise, pharmacy, mom's section ( diapers, baby products,) close to Joe Fresh, beauty salon, bookstore, daycare, gym, etc.
- One outside wall allows customers to pick up their orders, much as they enter a bank and conduct business at a banking machine. The "GroceriGo" zone.
- Zero-waste initiatives.

No plastic, reduced packaging.-   all very important initiatives to Millenials and future Mobilials..
- We will focus attention on next-generation consumers - the Mobilials - shoppers born in 2006 and later - 2006 being the year the iPhone was introduced and they being the first generation who will have spent their entire lives using mobile technology.
- Introduction of a suite of shopping apps that will enhance and simplify the shopping experience, as well as make it easier and more convenient.
Groceri.net utilizing GPS and mapping technology will guide customers through the store and help them find the item quickly and effeciently.
- Each product will have a product slot number, making it easier to find. This will utilize the new product identication system:  the next-generation product identification number system - UDPIN.com  .
- Video screens will be placed in each aisle - showing specials, new recipes and suggestions, along with product information.
- "Magic screens" placed near each item will provide information to the shopper about its nutritional value, carbon footprint, recipe suggestions, etc. 
- Electronic price shelves - reducing manpower and product price errors. 
- FoodSwoop.com  . Recycling Initiative - reducing food waste, will be introduced to North American shoppers  -  based on FoodLoop.net
- As the customer enters a section, a fragrance tailored to the theme of the section will be blown from specially-concealed ducts on the wall. A customer noticing the aroma of a dark Columbian coffee will unconsciously increase sales.
- Car order service. No more long treks through a snowy parking lot in January to place your order in the trunk of your car.
- Benches and chairs will placed all over the shopping space. A concierge/chef will be available to answer questions and offer product selection suggestions. Screens will be placed in strategic areas to provide product location information. Product menu screens and maps will be everywhere in the store. If they can't find it, they can't buy it will be the store's unadvertised modus operandi.
- Walls above the floor will project images, i.e. daytime, nighttime,  scene from the city, cooking lessons, or local sporting events. Imagine following the hockey game on giant screens above while the customer shops.
- Behind the store, an actual farm will showcase fresh produce. This is the "farm-to-table" initiative. TableFarming.com . Children will go on tours of the farm, learn green farming techniques, healthy growing practices, where their food comes from, and the importance of good eating habits.
An urban farm - "Garden in the Sky", will be installed on the roof.  It will grow produce hydroponically in rooftop greenhouses. Customers will send in their order, the next morning they will arrive at the store for pick-up, or have the order delivered to their home.
The parking will have disabled parking spots as well as recharging stations for hybrid and electric cars.

     ....... and many more ideas coming soon.





Created on November 16, 2016


Property of  Andre B. Beauregard.  All Rights Reserved.
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