
The Challenge





In the 20th century, a company was measured by its business IQ - business intelligence quotient. In the 21st century this is no longer true. Rather, a company is now measured by a new business IQ - the innovation quotient.  A company must constantly innovate, bring new products to market, have new ideas, if it is to thrive, grow, and prosper.  Anything less will lead to the decline and death of the company.
The argument advanced in this document is simple but important. Innovation is the cornerstone of a successful company. Failure to innovate  leads to failure.
For all of its history, Loblaws has been a company selling food by using technology. In the future, it must transform itself into a technology company that sells food.

Amazon Go - December 5, 2016
The reasons are easy to understand. Where WalMart was once Loblaws fiercest competitor, in the future, Amazon may become its most-feared rival. With its massive warehouses, fast shipping, wide selection, and new technology, it wants to take on the world. Loblaws must be prepared and ready to meet the challenge, because Amazon has no borders and is ruthless in its pursuit of retail domination.
This means Loblaws must adopt a new Innovation Strategy that emphasizes the following six points:


The New Innovation Strategy:
  • Innovation
  • Imagination
  • Inspiration
  • Implementation
  • Information
  • Innoculation
The New Customer-Centric Model:



This strategy puts the customer at the centre of attention. Everything we do must be looked at from the customer's point of view. Whether it is procurement, marketing, store design, or service levels, everything must be considered as to the impact on the customer. A happy customer is a paying customer, and a happy customer is a returning customer. We must build stores that enhance the customer experience, where the customer discovers new products and new ideas, make it fun to shop, easy to shop, and rewarding to shop in our stores.


The Human Resources Model:
  • Enlightenment
  • Establishment
  • Environment
  • Encouragement
  • Enrichment
  • Enhancement
  • Engagement
  • Empowerment
  • Excitement
After the customer, the company will place a renewed emphasis on its workforce. An engaged, motivated colleague is the least expensive employee we have.


The New Technology Model:

The I Symbol

1. the letter "I"
2.Two arrows going left and right meant to mean swipe the screen

3. A welcoming person



The introduction of the following apps:
  • Groceri.net
  • GroceriBox.com
  • GroceriCard.com
  • GroceriCart.com
  • GroceriList.com
  • GroceriScan.com
  • UDPIN.com
  • FoodLooping.com
These apps are meant to attract the younger shopper - the under-30 shopper, who is technology-savvy but time-constrained.

Since the beginning of time, customers have shopped in a supermarket.

Our ultimate goal should be to bring the supermarket to the customer. 
Created on November 16, 2016


Property of  Andre B. Beauregard.  All Rights Reserved.
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